
Showing posts from March, 2019
TES/Blendspace Final Project- Updated Link
Problem of Practice Update I began by thinking my problem of practice was the lack of knowing the students and parents and the culture of the school. I thought that by working hard to engage the students and parents I would have more of an impact. However, the previous teacher left almost nothing in terms of curriculum so I have actually been building assignments, lessons and all the work for the students. I have been working 12-16 hours a day just to get lessons to the students. Students were absent constantly and not engaged when they were there. Parents were angry and very mean-spirited. I read an article that changed my focus and my project. I posted the article  on my Diigo and it has really been transformative. "Rapport is nothing more than a connection you make with your students  based on their positive feelings for you . When they like you and trust you, and when you in turn like an